Meaning of PERVADE in English





Investigation failed to produce any reason why such an evil atmosphere should pervade that area.

A sort of frat party / stag club atmosphere pervades Tallahassee.

An altogether lighter atmosphere pervaded the dairy.

But the Stampede atmosphere pervades the city.

Ted resumed the operation of the cabin and tried to shake off the depressing atmosphere that now pervaded the small room.

The playing is superlative, but the real triumph is the warm and expansive atmosphere which pervades the album.


Hot and steamy, the smell of moist decay pervades the air.

And it's not just the dizzying development and the smell of money that pervades the downtown area.

No footmarks disturbed the dust, cobwebs hung like festoons and a strange musty smell pervaded the atmosphere.

Here and there, a smell of stale cabbage pervaded the air.

There was no one in the room and no oil lamp, but a strange smell pervaded the air.

Hugh Dodds, then Consul in Harar, reported that the smell of corpses pervaded the town for days.

A strange, sour smell pervaded the air.


A culture of violence pervades the local police department.

the smell of rain pervading the air


Above all, I remember the overwhelming sense of defeatism and moral chaos that pervaded public discourse.

Hard feelings pervade , especially between Paulette and her father.

It is a word that pervades the world that deals with children who, having problems, are taken to be problems.

Many sleepers are disturbed by light that pervades their eyelids when they have their eyes closed.

Tea trays pervade the corridors, going everywhere.

The power of their positive thinking is infectious and pervades our daily working life.

There is a contradiction which has pervaded responses to the National Curriculum in special education.

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