Described as a giant phallic symbol in the guidebook, I thought of it more as the Fickle Finger of Fate.
Quite obviously this is a phallic symbol .
The most commonplace metonymic index of industry - the factory chimney - is also metaphorically a phallic symbol .
It is said that the car is a phallic symbol .
But the dwarfs are free of inner conflicts, and have no desire to move beyond their phallic existence to intimate relations.
Described as a giant phallic symbol in the guidebook, I thought of it more as the Fickle Finger of Fate.
It permits the little boy to enjoy fully the advantages of the phallic development he is now entering.
Quite obviously this is a phallic symbol.
The masculine strategy involves relying on the phallic power to obtain recognition to compensate for this break.
The most commonplace metonymic index of industry - the factory chimney - is also metaphorically a phallic symbol.
There's less phallic symbolism in architecture than people might like to imagine.
Towards the end of this stage the phallic phase is entered.