Meaning of PIETY in English





Within families filial piety was the keystone of morality and it led logically to an absolute obedience to the household head.

They put great store in filial piety and playing by their rules.

However, where the two virtues conflicted, loyalty tended to take precedence over filial piety .

This made him the intellectual heir of John Hunter, whose Essays and Observations he published with due filial piety in 1861.

Here it may be as well to shift from filial piety to what for our society is the more straight forward issue of theft.

This is clearly a work of filial piety .


I approve the deadly seriousness, the piety , the need for something sacred in your life.

In this strange mix of piety and bawdiness, they directly recall the world of Dargah Quli Khan and the Muraqqa'-e-Dehli.

Isabella never let her own piety give her simple ease.

It was a city where piety and the hard sell met.

Next came the inaugural luncheon and a new round of insincere bipartisan pieties.

Nu might have been a village schoolmaster, or a teller of tales, respected for his piety .

They lived under constant threat of exposure and extermination at the hands of the Inquisition, which monitored Christians' piety .

Within families filial piety was the keystone of morality and it led logically to an absolute obedience to the household head.

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