Meaning of PILLAR in English



a pillar of the community (= a well respected and active member of a community )

The doctor was regarded as a pillar of the local community.

pillar box




Style in Washington hangs from the twin pillars of conservatism and political correctness.

The issues of validity and reliability are the twin pillars that prove research to be only mediocre or outstanding.



How my heart leaped to see a red pillar box once more, on the other side of the compound!

Many categories of street furniture can now be listed - pillar boxes , telephone kiosks, drinking fountains and bus shelters.

Mrs Southworth from the Hall was at the pillar box , posting a letter.


The water fountain became an altar, standing on marble pillars and graced by its own fan design.

Bailiffs, armed for this solemn occasion, are positioned at the forward corners of the bench beside the marble pillars .

Opened in 1903, the building had a huge domed trading hall lined with marble pillars and stained glass.

In the drawing room a pair of pink marble pillars supported the embrasure of the windows.

A lead Cupid aimed his arrow from the top of a marble pillar .


This used existing stone pillars , together with new replicas so that the whole design is very much in keeping with the original architecture.

A colonnade of massive stone pillars extended along the entire 462 feet of its front.

The old stone pillars were shaking as if they were being brought back to life.

I had expected something like the Central Y, with high ceilings, impressive stone pillars , and marbled stairs.

A massive grey building, its frontage decorated with stone pillars , its grounds were dotted with statues.

Eight stone pillars supported a dome above a stone floor.

At the end of the rose garden an iron gate between grey stone pillars gave on to the fields beyond.

Her first glimpse of it was through elaborate iron gates set between two large stone pillars surmounted by rampant lions.



This beam is then supported by concrete pillars , with spans of up to 50 metres.

A cloistered walkway bordered the courtyard on three sides, arches supported by white pillars , on each pillar a lamp.

He supported himself against a pillar with his free hand.

Its walls and floor were sheathed in gypsum slabs, whilst its ceiling was painted blue and supported by a gypsum pillar .

The mill section was supported internally by iron pillars , cast locally in the Soudley Forge.

Several horse-wheels survive in Northumberland, housed in circular buildings with their roofs supported by pillars of timber or stone.


IBM's three pillars of business wisdom are service, people, and perfection.


A white pillar of steam marked its finale.

Athelstan gazed at the square, squat pillars decorated with greenery like his own in Southwark, though not as beautiful.

Below, dim curds of refuse lay clotted about the glass pillars of the Maserati Mall.

I run between the concrete pillars holding up the elevated railway, on to the steep stairs.

Never mind that he had been a pillar of the regime and was approved on to the ballot by the Council of Guardians.

Outside the stately music hall, two-story white pillars are quietly rotting away.

The dome was entire gold, standing upon three hundred pillars of precious stones.

This takes us right back to the first pillar of meaningful work: freedom.

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