a pistol/rifle shot
A pistol shot rang out in the darkness.
water pistol
All these men were encumbered with their heavy loads and had only automatic pistols .
Two of them are automatic pistols , caliber twenty-two, manufactured by High Standard.
The man's face was white and mean and he was pointing an automatic pistol at Charles' chest.
He will identify those two automatic pistols as weapons he test-fired at the Ballistics Lab in order to obtain exemplary rounds.
Suddenly he pulled out a silver automatic pistol and fired a barrage at the driver's head.
The window frames rattled violently and glass cracked with the sound of a pistol shot .
The first slap sounds like a pistol shot .
Their footsteps suddenly cracked like pistol shots as the carpet was replaced by plastic tiles.
Then a pistol shot rang out.
Like the steeplechase where Vronsky breaks his mare's back with reckless riding, you can only wait for the pistol shot .
The pistol shot is so loud it can be heard well over half a mile away.
It was only a pistol shot .
Two pistol shots around ten-thirty on a summer morning in Bosnia and the Edwardian idyll was shattered for ever.
The kids had been in the car and there was a water pistol on the shelf under the dash.
And whoever is in charge of bathtime should watch out ... there's even a water pistol cleverly disguised as a flower.
Lots of events including Tombola and water pistol shooting.
They are armed with two pistols and a sword.
He is armed with a large-caliber pistol and considered extremely dangerous.
The robbers were usually armed with a pistol and shotgun.
He didn't know I always carry pistols under my cloak, and he may well ask why.
He said du Pont frequently carried a. 38-caliber pistol on the estate and abused cocaine and alcohol.
They carry pistols , handcuffs, batons and gas-spray guns.
Used to carry a pistol and everything.
I've only had to carry a pistol once, just a few hours.
Two of them this time, both carrying holstered pistols .
Crouching, Yeremi contented himself with firing his bolt pistol at the athletically shifting targets.
It had been a while since she'd fired a pistol and the initial retort took even her by surprise.
You could fire a starting pistol next to some and they would barely look up.
There was a crack, but no sepoy dropped dead; the percussion cap had fired but not the pistol .
The policeman fired some pistol shots in the air, but there was no answer.
Suddenly, Joyce fired his pistol and the battle had begun.
He fired his pistol in the air and charged over the top as if he were chasing some errant fox.
In front of the door was another man holding a pistol .
He held his pistol shakily toward the ruins and fired.
He held a loaded air pistol to her stepfather's neck and threatened to blow his head off.
The guy holds tight to his pistol but he can't make me move my knee.
Whichever foreign power captured Ireland held a pistol aimed at Britain's heart.
The breadhead in the brown topcoat now holds a pistol in his hand.
Casually he holds his small pistol towards me, butt first, for inspection.
It was now just light enough on the roof for him to see to load his pistols .
I loaded the pistol and thought that nothing had gone right for me since I had come here.
Quickly loading the Very pistol with the red cartridge, Larsen aimed it at the open skylight and pulled the trigger.
As for my grandfather, he kept a loaded pistol in his desk.
When I was in a safe place, I loaded my pistols , this time with dry powder.
This soldier had let him load his pistol and point it empty.
The man's face was white and mean and he was pointing an automatic pistol at Charles' chest.
The officers used a chemical spray called Capstun on Hernandez when he resisted and pointed a toy pistol at them.
Jack said, and he looked up at Oxie and Murray, who stood up and pointed their pistols at Charlie.
I pull the pistol and hold it within my jacket.
Feffer, wishing to divert him, had told him the tale of the insurance adjuster who pulled out the pistol .
As Kara Voss waited on Jenkins, he pulled a. 22-caliber pistol from his clothing and shot her in the head.
On seeing them escape, Shovel requested that he be shot with his own pistol , rather than return in disgrace.
Other reports said Mr Nagdi had been shot with a Beretta pistol equipped with a silencer.
He wasn't shot and his pistol is fully loaded.
I filled my pockets with bread, then took two pistols and the powder for them.
He let his hand fall, and after a while she took the pistol .
Sharpe took the loaded pistol from his belt, cocked it, and laid it beside him.
I had seen a way for me to take off my pistol .
I got my deed and went right home... took off my pistol and hung it up in the closet.
When the shopkeeper asks for his money, he takes a pistol out of his pocket and gives it to him.
snub-nosed pistol/revolver etc
The snub-nosed revolver looked like a toy in Ray Shepherd's hand.
First, the appalling Beria had been arrested at pistol point in the Kremlin and executed as privily as his victims.
Jack kept his arm at his side, pistol down, watching the cat squeal and squirm upside down on the fork.
Quickly loading the Very pistol with the red cartridge, Larsen aimed it at the open skylight and pulled the trigger.
Rifles, bayonets, pistols, haversacks, cartridge-boxes, canteens, blankets, belts, and overcoats lined the road.
The top right-hand drawer of the desk contained the traditional little tin box and a pistol .
They hung on the Sergeant's every word, handled the pistols with reverence; their concentration was intense.
When the shopkeeper asks for his money, he takes a pistol out of his pocket and gives it to him.
When the statement had been issued, Mr Telford allowed his pistol to be hauled up on a rope.