Meaning of PLATITUDE in English



empty political platitudes

Mr Gringold droned on, mouthing the usual platitudes about motivation and self-reliance.

The management tried to satisfy staff with some platitudes about the need to make sacrifices for the benefit of the company.

The marriage counsellor could only offer us a string of empty platitudes.


All the foreign students sat together in the Student Union, at the same table, exchanging heavily accented platitudes.

Charles took one look at the proffered platitudes, which he knew to be absurd, and set about writing an alternative.

High-sounding jargon or pointless platitudes cut little ice when one is alert to the actual message being conveyed.

I sense his slighted dignity and mouth some platitude about boys being boys the world over.

Many transplant-zealots speak in slippery platitudes.

That at least some of them do so is a platitude .

Those who did believe me offered no solace; only sympathy and empty platitudes.

What blessed relief from the platitudes.

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