One such project was to have focused on reducing the toxic waste produced when making the plutonium core of nuclear missiles.
But that makes plutonium , the ideal material for small nuclear weapons.
It would, however, make the reactor breed plutonium less efficiently.
This was a crude nuclear reactor whose job was simply to produce plutonium for the manufacture of atomic bombs.
Magnox reactors produce plutonium containing about 75 percent of plutonium 239 isotope.
Britain's civil nuclear power stations also produce plutonium .
But the fact remains that the safeguards themselves do not prevent the government using civil plutonium for defence purposes.
As little as 55 pounds of highly enriched uranium or 18 pounds of plutonium could be used to build a nuclear device.
But stocks of civil plutonium are flowing forth from reprocessing plants ordered during the 1970s.
But the world has a surplus of plutonium , even without extra supplies coming from disarmament.
Given the possession of plutonium , nuclear weapons are easy to make.
It also has become clear that the two sides differ profoundly on what to do with separated plutonium .
There is the question: why was civil plutonium exported, in the first place, under a defence agreement?
We can understand plutonium and work out how to treat people who have it in them.
We have large quantities of plutonium already separated and in forms ideally suited for nuclear weapons.