Meaning of POINTLESS in English





And it would be rather pointless if I started trying to ape him.

There has been a long and rather pointless debate on this question.

The first and second would be rather pointless .

It's really rather pointless otherwise.

The fact that this was credible only if the youth was retarded made the moral crux which followed rather pointless .



It's also a fairly pointless exercise , too.

Reviews of Andrew Lloyd Webber musicals are mostly pointless exercises .

It looked a pointless exercise , facing a passed partner, but West had his reasons.

Speculating like this was always a pointless exercise but it occupied a portion of any day.

The boys grumbled at this, saying it was a pointless exercise .

We are expecting him back on Monday - but if he's only staying for three days it's a pointless exercise .


pointless drug testing on animals

a pointless , brutal murder

a film full of pointless violence

It's pointless to take notes and then never look at them again.

It's pointless trying to speak to the manager -- she's always too busy.

It is pointless to argue about who is more to blame.

Look, it's pointless us both waiting here -- I'll go and find a phone.

Most people think the project is a pointless waste of money.

Never give your students pointless exercises to do -- always provide interesting, meaningful tasks.

Officials say the investigation is pointless .

People stood in groups, making pointless small talk.

She decided it was pointless trying to work while her mind was on other things.

Simon was probably dead, and it was pointless to think he was coming back.

Speculating like that was always a pointless exercise, but he did it nevertheless.

The argument was completely pointless .

The company says it is pointless to compete in the air package holiday market.

We had to change the sheets daily, which always seemed to me to be a pointless exercise.


Bills with bipartisan sponsorship have been introduced in both chambers to repeal this pointless cruelty.

I felt strong; there was a point to a life that had seemed pointless .

Instead of allowing this to be a frustrating and pointless event, ask yourself why you created it.

It could also be said that without evaluation, proper identification of need is pointless !

It was pointless , we were told.

Until Tuesday night, the question seemed almost pointless .

What she thought intolerable was that people could hate each other in a silly, pointless place where peace was possible.

When you watch them you think it almost looks pointless .

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