Meaning of POLITBURO in English





Nazarbayev resigned his post as first secretary and thus membership of the CPSU politburo on Aug. 22.

Sillari also sat on the CPSU politburo .


The application of the wife of a politburo member to study at a research institute would never have been easy to reject.

Many of the politburo members had married good bourgeois ladies or fashionable actresses.

But the results of the talks with the party politburo member Mr Vasil Mohorita remained unclear.

Men Sam An retained her position as seventh ranking politburo member .

The chief target for criticism among the politburo members was Medvedev.

On July 7 the congress heard replies by politburo members to questions from delegates.

The delegates voted by a two-to-one majority to give an assessment of the individual political activity of each politburo member .


A 16-member politburo and 49-member executive committee were also elected.

Assertion of her supremacy over the other members of the politburo was an essential step to confirming her position as heir-apparent.

But the results of the talks with the party politburo member Mr Vasil Mohorita remained unclear.

Four members and candidate members were sacked from the ruling politburo , elected only on Wednesday.

The politburo meeting room was connected to the bunker by a direct lift hidden behind the panelling.

The application of the wife of a politburo member to study at a research institute would never have been easy to reject.

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