Meaning of POLYP in English





Patient 202 - presented aged 41 years with a rectal adenocarcinoma associated with over 100 adenomatous polyps .

Reproducible kinetic parameters such as these might be useful in planning follow up of patients with adenomatous polyps after polypectomy.

It is possible that the younger control subjects with a high LI% may develop an adenomatous polyp as an ageing phenomenon.

These changes may also precede the development of adenomatous polyps .

Colonoscopy showed over 100 adenomatous polyps , but no carcinoma was found on removal of the colon and rectum.

These findings indicate that prolonged supplementation with vitamin C may reduce the recurrence of adenomatous polyps .

Patient 304 - over 100 adenomatous polyps present on first screen aged 35 years.

Few studies have been carried out assessing the effect of vitamin supplementation on adenomatous polyps or colorectal cancer.



Linear discriminant analysis showed that polyp recurrence could be predicted with 71% accuracy when the compartment 4+5 labelling index exceeded 3.5.

Colonoscopy showed over 100 adenomatous polyps , but no carcinoma was found on removal of the colon and rectum.

Histological examination showed typical inflammatory fibroid polyps , identical to those seen previously in cases 1, 2, and 3.

Colonoscopy showed over 100 adenomatous polyps and she had a colectomy and ileorectal anastamosis.

A barium enema performed at seven years disease duration showed recurrent polyps .


A particularly interesting finding was that of a benign tubulovillous polyp that contained both a mutant K-ras and a p53 allele.

Chains of polyps dangle from a float filled with gas.

Her husband, Webb, just began participating in it, after doctors detected a precancerous polyp .

Linear discriminant analysis showed that polyp recurrence could be predicted with 71% accuracy when the compartment 4+5 labelling index exceeded 3.5.

Millions of tiny polyps have emerged from their limestone cells to stretch out their minuscule arms and grope for food.

Only two small colonic polyps were found in patients who had an upper gastrointestinal lesion.

Reproducible kinetic parameters such as these might be useful in planning follow up of patients with adenomatous polyps after polypectomy.

The trigger fish feeds on coral, crunching the stony branches and extracting the little polyps.

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