Meaning of POSITIONAL in English





How do the cells acquire positional information ?

The cell-to-cell interactions could provide the cells with positional information .

It is as if the vegetal cells have set up a new boundary region for specifying positional information .

The same positional information is used to specify all the structures in the limb.

This observation may at least provide a clue to the molecular basis of positional information .


Gaining approval, competing for scarce resources, and obtaining cooperation require managers to develop bases of power beyond positional authority.

Her chess, too, is said to be more positional .

In the sea-urchin, positional signals would not have to travel across more than 20 cells.

It left me with few positional options.

Police should never leave or transport a sprayed suspect in a prone position because death may result from positional asphyxiation.

The small size of positional fields has two important implications.

This allows for slight positional errors during fixing - a couple of G cramps and some battens are helpful here.

This was followed by positional and B- value refinement through energy minimization.

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