Meaning of POSITIVISM in English





Was there such a state as logical positivism ?


His ideas on sovereignty and social organization seem to have been influenced by sociological positivism and by Duguit in particular.

These characteristic ideas of functionalism are found running throughout the theories of sociological positivism , evolutionary social theories, and pragmatism.

In normativist language the style of sociological positivism is that of constructivist rationalism.

The main criticism of sociological positivism is founded on the vagueness of the central concepts of the theory.


Empiricism and positivism have been put to flight in anthropology, philosophy, aesthetics, economics.

Furthermore, critical theory departs form positivism in understanding the facts of culture in terms of a social totality.

His ideas on sovereignty and social organization seem to have been influenced by sociological positivism and by Duguit in particular.

His target of attack here is positivism , which we can understand as the identification of natural science with knowledge itself.

Realism directed its challenge to the attempt to construct an autonomous science of law which was rooted in legal positivism .

Sociological positivism was one such method.

Some of these differences were rooted in the extent to which the writers embraced positivism or Idealism.

There was all this talk of positivism .

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