Meaning of POSSIBLY in English





You should make it as happy as you possibly can .

Get as many intelligent citizens as you possibly can to write urgently upon this subject to their representatives and Senators in Congress.

You can not blame him for trying to cram as much into 90 minutes as he possibly can.

We all want to put the best team on the ice as we possibly can .

As for crime and robberies, that is carrying just as heavy a burden now as it possibly can .

Memphis Archives has made these 24 recorded relics sound as good as primitive recordings possibly can .


He's going to stay at least three weeks, possibly longer.

He's playing in the US Open Golf Championships - possibly for the last time.

How could anyone possibly do that to her?

I have everything I could possibly need.

Many analysts believe interest rates will rise, possibly as early as next spring.

Stone is possibly America's finest film director.

The cancer was possibly caused by exposure to asbestos.

The examination hall was vast, with at least 700 or 800 student and quite possibly as many as 1000.

Trade between the two countries began in the 11th century, possibly even earlier.

You can't possibly go to all those stores in one day.


Could it possibly apply to human beings?

He looked at me as though I were very young and possibly a trifle slow.

In the following pages a number of the more visible and possibly more successful and productive organizations are identified and described.

No-one else can possibly picture what you suffer.

No such claim could possibly be made for the Smolensk, Kursk, or Poltava gubernii.

The cilia in the respiratory tract hasten the exit from the body of possibly harmful foreign material.

They may insist on payment by instalments, possibly spread throughout the whole of your notice period.

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