Meaning of PREDILECTION in English



He is a grammarian, a swordsman, a musician with a predilection for the fugue.

In fact, there seems to be a general predilection of benign strictures for the left side of the colon.

Lacking the certainty that arises from inner, mystic experience, we have a predilection to replace genuine knowledge with dogma.

Petitioner certainly was not attempting to conceal or withhold from the Committee his own past political associations, predilections, and preferences.

So the predilections of beavers centuries ago may well have determined the places where human beings have their towns today.

Spark has always had the facility to be silkily suave as she goes about examining our predilection for worshipping false gods.

This supposition becomes more likely in light of Hamann's predilection for parables as the most appropriate genre for telling the truth.

Those who knew of his predilections often wondered why he had not become a botanist, an entomologist, a biologist.

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