a club chairman/president
Reg took over as club chairman three years ago,
elect sb (as) president/leader/mayor etc
In 1768, John Wilkes was elected as their Member of Parliament.
past president/member/winner etc
a past president of the golf club
Fitzsimmons was named senior executive vice president , and it appeared his coaching days were over.
Tenants began moving in July 8, said Peter Novak, executive vice president .
Clippers executive vice president Andy Roeser said the team filed the paperwork Thursday announcing their intentions.
Mr Cuylenburg was recently executive vice president of operations at Xerox Corp. and is a consultant to that firm.
She is a 15-year veteran of the company and has been serving as executive vice president .
Like Clinton 12 years later, he possessed in volume what the incumbent president , Jimmy Carter, lacked.
An election campaign between an incumbent president and a Senate majority leader is bound to be fought out in legislative jousting.
Never in this century has the fight for the presidency pitted a congressional monarch against an incumbent president .
It also has a new president .
Now the new president has appointed his wife, Hillary Rodham Clinton, to lead a task force on health care reform.
To those who think the nation needs a new president to set its conduct straight, it was probably effective.
If that doesn't work out, the search for a new president will begin.
This is not a happy situation for a new president .
But here too the new Chechen president is picking a cautious central course.
And he was a senior vice president .
Mr McLaughlin, 44 years old, was senior vice president , general counsel and secretary.
Frank Galvone was also a senior vice president .
Additionally, Jeff Osbourn, 38, was promoted to senior vice president of operations.
Alan D.. Collenette has been named a senior vice president and district manager of the San Francisco office.
Satjiv Chahil, formerly the vice president of entertainment and new media, will be senior vice president of corporate marketing.
Ellis senior vice president in San Jose.
Mr Hoffman, 47, previously was senior vice president of Fingerhut Cos.
His vice president Gerald Ford took over for the remainder of his term but lost the 1976 election to Jimmy Carter.
Fitzsimmons was named senior executive vice president , and it appeared his coaching days were over.
Mattie might even make it as vice president .
He and Clinton have formed such a close working partnership that Kemp, as vice president , would like to emulate Gore.
She was in-house counsel and vice president for a medical company in Concord when she decided to give up her day job.
She is a 15-year veteran of the company and has been serving as executive vice president .
Mr Selfridge will be succeeded as chief financial officer by Jeff Reinhold, 38, who also will serve as vice president .
So when the invitation to become president of BitC arrived shortly afterwards, Charles accepted with alacrity.
Afterward, he was elected Arkansas attorney general and served as governor for 10 years before becoming president .
He is to become president of the Savile Row tailor which bears his name.
After seizing power, the soldiers changed into civilian clothes and became presidents .
Chung Yong Hoo, the admiral whose wife was said to be involved, had retired before Mr Kim became president .
Their family had founded the bank, and Wilfred and Mark, when still in their twenties, became president and treasurer.
Since becoming president in 1993 he has encouraged dovish leaders to move on the path to peace.
John McCain, R-Ariz., dreams of Bob Dole becoming president .
The deadlock in electing a president heightened the political tension in the country.
John Sweeney is elected president of the AFL-CIO.
He was chairman of the legal and technical committee until March 2000, when he was then elected as vice president .
They elected me student body president there.
But in 1997 Kim Dae-jung, a former critic of the bases, was elected president .
Q.. Have other Iowa caucus winners been elected president ?
We are the national majority, but we must elect a Republican president for that national majority to truly govern.
She intends to continue her high-visibility job as head of the Red Cross if her husband Bob is elected president .
Companies that get together no longer need as many accountants or vice presidents of marketing as each had before the merger.
The retailer named Gale Duff-Bloom president of marketing and company communications, a new position.
It was created by a former vice president of marketing for Nestle and is produced in the Midwest.
Also departing: Jim Groff, vice president of education marketing .
Satjiv Chahil, formerly the vice president of entertainment and new media, will be senior vice president of corporate marketing .
When the politicians returned to Congress, they approved the compromise that named Arteaga interim president .
Since Newman was named president in October, Bankers Trust reorganized its derivatives and asset management businesses.
Bennett, 44 years old, succeeds Rob Dickenson, 46, who recently was named president of a new company division.
It named Thomas Ashmore president of the top-10-market organization, which will be based in Dallas.
Alan D.. Collenette has been named a senior vice president and district manager of the San Francisco office.
They have no reason to name the president .
Jesse Jackson, who ran for president in 1984 and 1988, is a spent force.
The Republicans running for president now come to Arizona so they might live their dreams while we relive our nightmares.
Heavens, as a free woman, she might even run for president in 1992.
A progressive institution in many ways, Rollins was run autocratically by its president , Hamilton Holt.
Third, he ran for president in 1988 and lost a bitter primary battle with George Bush.
Although if I had, I can safely say that the last thing I would be doing is running for president .
Why are senators so poor at running for president ?
Respondents said the president is better able to handle a variety of issues.
Three of the last six presidents served as vice president.
In 1880-1 he served as president of the Institution.
If one person is the majority stockholder, he or she may also serve as president as well as chairperson.
He was succeeded by Robert Greber, who had served as president and chief operating officer.
Molly serving a term as president would give me three years to prepare myself to run.
She is a 15-year veteran of the company and has been serving as executive vice president .
Madam President/Ambassador etc
from the chairman/president/top etc downwards
As the system empties, open all the radiator air vents, working from the top downwards until the system is empty.
lame duck president/governor/legislature etc
outgoing president/chancellor etc
But Mr Clinton will not be able to immediately bask in the outgoing President's glory.
Early returns show bitter rival and outgoing President Slobodan Milosevic well ahead in the race.
The outgoing chancellor said he has no plans to assume any other political posts.
the incumbent president/priest/government etc
At the same time, as the incumbent President, he is also answerable for the state of the nation.
Efficiency is the principle that voters ought to be able to assess the responsibility of and exercise control over the incumbent government.
Labour would then benefit from the extra coverage given to the incumbent government.
Like Clinton 12 years later, he possessed in volume what the incumbent president, Jimmy Carter, lacked.
the retiring president/manager/director etc
Finally, on November 24, he took over the reins of the Puzzle Palace from the retiring director.
vice-president/chairman etc
President Chirac visited Japan this week.
President Lincoln
Angry shareholders called for the resignation of the company president .
It was Dever's job to advise the president on his public image.
Mandela was already in his seventies when he became president .
the president of CBS news
the President of Egypt
A determination to rein in the president also lay behind the Case Act that became law in 1972.
I used to be president of the United States.
Neither were the auditors able to find Heritage's former president , Joseph Mollicone, to inquire where the money might be.
The president of a small environmental group has filed an ethics complaint against Republican Sen.
We believe the president has a very strong record in the gay and lesbian community.
Who is the current president of the United States?