The acquisition of Templar estates and of alien priories likewise enlarged the openings for royal clerks.
Rather is it more closely related to the problem of alien priories .
In September 1295 custody of alien priories had been seized by the king and they were only restored on payment of fines.
Archbishop Stratford, however, ignored several papal letters urging him to resist royal encroachments on alien priories .
Now suitably disguised, you went downstairs and into the grounds towards the priory church .
There was also a small priory at Brimpsfield, but it is not certain if the church was the priory church.
Secret messages were left in her room and in the ruined oak tree between the priory church and the wall.
It retains the font from the old priory church and the bell is thought to have come from the priory refectory.
He invested his business gains in building up an estate, purchasing as a country seat the former Carmelite priory of Aylesford.
Item - Lady Eleanor was preparing to leave the priory and go to her secret admirer, but who was he?
Klingenzell priory , between the castles Liebenfels and Freudenfels, was founded in 1333 and became a place of pilgrimage.
Others followed the history of the Shrine as they toured the priory grounds guided by Bernard Connelly.
The centre of Royston, Hertfordshire, founded by the adjacent priory of Austin Canons in about 1189, has this characteristic.
There was also a small priory at Brimpsfield, but it is not certain if the church was the priory church.