Meaning of PROBABLY in English





The tremolo would probably need setting up properly because it feels stiff and uneven in use.

That stuff is easily replaced and probably needs an upgrade every year or two anyway.

You will probably need to change the layout around as the artwork evolves.

What she probably needs much more is your empathy and appreciation.

In fact, you will probably need to overcome a certain reluctance to be recorded, whatever your location.

Our waitress Lisa, a real pro, suggests the steak probably needs none, and she's right.

Yesterday, a police spokesman said the classroom would probably need a joist in the ceiling replacing.

And it gives you a sense of control again, just when you probably need it most.


He probably thinks everyone is still having a good time out there somewhere in the fog.

He probably thinks of him as a lesser George Hearst, neither quite crooked enough nor quite successful enough to he interesting.

They probably thought that it was unfair.

Some of the students probably thought of me as in league with him in some way.

You probably thought everything had changed by now.

I would probably think of that as physics, in a complex way.

You probably think your sweat is helping rebuild the might of Berlin.

When you bought that new computer a couple of years ago, you probably thought its 500-megabyte hard disk would last for ever.


Commercial battles are not always won on technical merit, and at present X Windows is probably winning.

So let us turn to another increasingly apparent fact: Gore probably won more votes than Bush in Florida too.

In other words it's a relatively high risk gamble, but if your army holds together you will probably win .


"Where is Joan?" "She's probably still at work."

Archaeologists think the temple was probably built in the 3rd century AD.

He wrote dozens of books, but this is probably his best-known novel.

I'll probably be late for dinner tonight.

We'll probably be shooting the movie on location in Europe.


And he's probably , without knowing it of course, jealous of our happiness.

Daffodil Quentin seems to be acceptable to the other owners, who of course probably don't know about her three dead horses.

I probably should not have been stunned, since civil wars test allegiances.

If we played a lame-duck year in Hartford, we probably would have lost $ 20 million to $ 25 million.

Other zoos will probably euthanase theirs.

The body count was probably higher, maybe as high as 44, though police could never prove it.

There probably will be no kids as a result.

Wolfenstein is so addictive you will probably attempt to play it to a conclusion by staying up all night.

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