Meaning of PROGESTERONE in English



As pregnancy progresses, the placenta secretes more progesterone which peaks midway into the third trimester and then levels off.

Elevated progesterone levels mimic pregnancy and this delays ovulation, prevents fertilisation or stops implantation of the embryo in the womb.

It appears likely that a fairly complicated interaction between oestrogen, progesterone and a pituitary hormone known as oxytocin is involved.

It should be noted that pregnanediol is a biologically inactive metabolite of progesterone .

Prostaglandins destroy the corpus luteum, as explained above, and thus end the secretion of progesterone .

Some women get good results from a vaginal suppository of progesterone .

The progestogens have the same effect on the cat's body as the natural pregnancy hormone, progesterone .

Women may respond to the unpleasant feelings associated with the peak progesterone levels by increasing their caffeine intake.

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