Meaning of PROGNOSIS in English





Older children have a better prognosis because their immune system is better developed.

A retrospective study showed that amiodarone was associated with a better prognosis in patients with documented ventricular tachycardia on electrocardiographic monitoring.

Some cases are uncomplicated with a good prognosis while others are difficult to manage with a poor anticipated outcome.


The poorer prognosis for linear growth among boys who develop Crohn's disease before puberty has not been previously reported.

Cancer vaccines can cause an advanced tumor to shrink while patients with a poor prognosis can remain in remission.

This syndrome carried a poor prognosis .

This presentation implies a very poor prognosis despite treatment, as was the case in six patients in this series.

While it is clear that specific genetic alterations serve as prognostic indicators, not all correlate with a poor prognosis .

These risk factors have been linked to a poor prognosis .

Both these factors contribute to the extremely poor prognosis at presentation.


By the early 1990s the prognosis for Communism wasn't at all good.

Doctors say his prognosis is good, and they expect a full recovery.

The report's prognosis for unemployment was very pessimistic.

Well, doctor, what's the prognosis ?


Her prognosis , by any reasonable medical standards, was very poor.

His prognosis for one-year survival is five per cent.

The prognosis is perhaps for a euro recovery, but how far is it likely to move?

The prognosis was given as extremely negative.

The single most important determinant of future prognosis remains left ventricular function.

These results suggest that underlying health is much more important than age in determining prognosis after hospital care with community-acquired pneumonia.

What is the prognosis for that?

Where ownership is not committed to long-term success, the prognosis for ongoing performance improvement is poor.

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