It had been Adam, too, who had broached the subject of a new computer programming system for the business.
This was narrowly avoided by producing a new programming scheme, involving local sponsorship as the future funders of individual exhibitions.
What new programming do we want to see?
It's a high-level application programming interface that sits on a Unix-based personal computer equipped with call processing hardware.
For other developers there's an application programming interface that gives access to the lock manager.
First application programming interfaces are due in the third quarter.
Uniplex says it will provide application programming interfaces and gateways between onGO and its existing software to insure migration and coexistence.
Lotus also expects to publish the application programming interface for Notes to encourage software development.
The upgrade also includes a single-function application programming interface to help developers add HyperHelp to their applications.
The reflective process often involves work in other curriculum areas, be it discussion, writing, artwork, computer programming .
This technique has had a great deal of impact in computer programming where it in systems analysis and design.
It had been Adam, too, who had broached the subject of a new computer programming system for the business.
The approaches described above can now be captured in computer programming using expert systems technology. 2.
These results are a valid introduction to central concepts of computer programming .
This does not present the same barrier to pupils use of algebraic ideas within computer programming environments.
Prospective physical geographers should take basic courses in calculus, physics, chemistry, engineering, modern biology, and computer programming .
The year includes the presentation of a methodical approach to programming and contact with different programming environments .
Design and development of a concurrent, object-oriented database programming environment .
This does not present the same barrier to pupils use of algebraic ideas within computer programming environments .
It's a high-level application programming interface that sits on a Unix-based personal computer equipped with call processing hardware.
Win32s and Win32c application programming interfaces are promised for 1994.
For other developers there's an application programming interface that gives access to the lock manager.
Uniplex says it will provide application programming interfaces and gateways between onGO and its existing software to insure migration and coexistence.
Lotus also expects to publish the application programming interface for Notes to encourage software development.
Any programming language may be used.
Being written in different programming languages , there was no literal similarity between the programs.
Although in theory Postscript could be viewed as a general purpose programming language , it is strongly biassed towards visual representation.
Their most important product is HyperCard, a kind of multimedia construction kit, using a highly simplified programming language called HyperTalk.
It will also use ObjectStore to recognise code, data and objects written in different programming languages .
Interfacing of object-oriented programming languages to databases and expert systems.
The algebraic approach to programming language semantics has several features to recommend it.
Application of object-oriented programming languages to database and expert system design and development for real-time engineering applications.
Uniplex says it will provide application programming interfaces and gateways between onGO and its existing software to insure migration and coexistence.
These interfaces provide access into other programming languages operating in supercomputing environments, such as message passing sub-routines.
The bill also provides safeguards for quality programming .
Their most important product is HyperCard, a kind of multimedia construction kit, using a highly simplified programming language called HyperTalk.
All Hippix utilities are implemented using functions in the programming library.
Computer viruses are bits of destructive programming .
Much of the evening programming is too violent for children.
Clearly there's a crisis in pop music programming .
In this limited way care programming can be used to set targets and measure progress in developing mental health services.
It can be postulated that the programming effect of high potencies is greater than that of low potencies.
The area in which Sue Grayson Ford is going to be judged most critically will be on her programming of exhibitions.
The year includes the presentation of a methodical approach to programming and contact with different programming environments.
This process is analogous to estimating, programming and monitoring a construction project.