He warned that the cost of not acting promptly would eventually be far greater in economic and environmental terms.
It is noteworthy that the teachers in the Art department acted promptly upon most of the recommendations addressed to them.
If you have missed the deadline you need to act promptly to minimise any further charges.
Unless we act promptly , the number could be even higher.
It is proper for the Government to act promptly , early in this Session, to deal with the problem.
President Clinton promptly announced a law to crack down on juvenile criminals and a new computer database to track gang activity.
It was promptly announced to Harvard dealers that the rebel had been sacked from Sheppards.
If the tax was paid promptly , a discount was given.
He is on the record that wages of the miners and other workers will henceforth be paid promptly .
But if the independent jobber happened to be on the County Planning Commission, the bill was promptly paid in full.
Many federal contracts, for example, impose penalties when the government does not pay promptly .
The Orientalia Division of the Library of Congress promptly responded to my queries.
Technology made demands on science, which naturally and promptly responded .
This source of prospects is an important one and the salesperson should respond promptly .
Patients with severe renal insufficiency, or those not responding promptly to the above measures, should receive dialysis.
Glucose metabolism and insulin secretion are disturbed; hypoglycemia is common and potentially lethal but usually responds promptly to dietary correction.
Any material loaned will be handled carefully, copied and returned promptly .
The terrorized novice promptly returned it, claiming that he was being haunted by apparitions for his act.
Jean-Luc, working at home, grew alarmed when his wife and daughter did not return promptly .
Metromail promptly sold her the addresses of 5, 500 households with children, along with the names of their parents.
Hargreaves and party promptly set about the most obvious vertical weakness.
Upon arrival, he was welcomed to Hades and the host promptly set the temperature gauge at 110 degrees.
The Board of Trade promptly set up an enquiry into the industry and its methods and techniques.
Meanwhile, the sheep industry had developed rapidly, and these smaller animals were promptly set upon by both wolves and coyotes.
And the players promptly set about taking over the asylum.
The intrepid scientists promptly set out to test whether human beings do the same.
She promptly set down her plate of lobster salad and set off in hot pursuit.
His work done, Nation collected his fee and promptly set off in search of other work, as did any other jobbing writer.
And often she'd touch down on my glove only to find something not quite right and promptly take off again.
He promptly took it out of her hand, smeared it with honey and pushed it towards her mouth.
The rebels promptly took them hostage.
Any negative statements and accusations made should be promptly and forthrightly answered, preferably at the level on which they originate.
Ask them if they had any problems and if they were fixed promptly and properly.
But the letter, a social obligation too promptly performed, had lacked conviction.
Hargreaves and party promptly set about the most obvious vertical weakness.
He recovered promptly and has had no further problems 30 months after transplantation.
President Clinton promptly announced a law to crack down on juvenile criminals and a new computer database to track gang activity.
She repeated the Hebrew words I taught her, but promptly forgot them again.