The descent engine occupied the centre section, with the propellant tanks arranged symmetrically round the outside to balance the weight distribution.
To liquefy them for storage in propellant tanks , a considerable amount of electrical energy must be expended to run refrigeration equipment.
Early designs used four propellant tanks-two for the fuel and two for the oxidizer.
The round objects are the propellant tanks .
This is ice that has formed on the outer shell of the propellant tanks .
A particularly simple form of rocket motor uses solid propellant .
In that case, we would think first of burning hydrocarbons with liquid oxygen, or even using the hydrogen-oxygen propellant combination.
Early designs used four propellant tanks-two for the fuel and two for the oxidizer.
In the types of engine considered below, this is done by using the lightest mass propellant possible-hydrogen.
It just happens to be the one that uses the least propellant .
However, there is no source of extra oxygen to expend as rocket propellant .
In order to achieve a high speed the mass of propellant burnt must be much greater than the mass of the rocket.
In that case, we would think first of burning hydrocarbons with liquid oxygen, or even using the hydrogen-oxygen propellant combination.
Next come the four segments that contain the solid propellant mixture.
Providing life-support materials would take on added importance only after we have found out how to operate the propellant business profitably.
The amount of thrust produced depends on how much of the propellant is burning at any one time.
The mission plan called for an upper limit on the amount of propellant that could be used during the descent.
This propellant combination performs well and permits a fairly compact vehicle design.