An important point to remember is that the size of the multiplier depends on the marginal propensities to save and import.
For example, the marginal propensity to make bequests out of lifetime income may rise with the level of income.
National income and the average propensity to consume in the United States, 1869- 1928.
It stabilised demand by income transfers to those who had a high propensity to consume .
An important point to remember is that the size of the multiplier depends on the marginal propensities to save and import.
They showed no propensity towards sloppy kisses.
Through the first four games, the Bears have shown a propensity for the flags that would make even the Raiders blush.
This is a Yankees team that has shown a propensity for taking advantage of any opportunities that are handed to them.
All objects have a propensity to move in straight lines, upwards or downwards, towards their natural place.
He was. a gifted man, but had a propensity for falling into bad associations.
I can tell about my propensity toward middle age spread simply by trying to fit into my double-breasted blazer.
In turn, the propensity to marry can be measured by estimating the proportion of women still unmarried at ages 35-44.
The cousin was Carl Laemmle, founder of Universal Pictures and a man with a sentimental propensity for hiring his relatives.
The recorded figures exaggerate the increase in victimization which is occurring, mainly because of a greater public propensity to report certain crimes.
The trouble was that George had a needling propensity for deception that could not be slaked.
Yet this is exactly the behavioural propensity of the id uncovered by clinical psychoanalysis.