self-fulfilling prophecy
It’s a self-fulfilling prophecy : expect things to go wrong, and they probably will.
This refrain is a conflation of two verses from the classic period of Old Testament prophecy in Isaiah 11 and Habakkuk 2.
It was intended, quite flamboyantly, to fulfil Old Testament prophecy .
It was a jibe that nearly became a prophecy , though Cambridge were left with more of a one-horse race.
It turns confusion into curiosity and stops myths from becoming self-fulfilling prophecies .
I say this whether or not it is entirely true because I suspect my words can become a self-fulfilling prophecy .
These labels can become self-fulfilling prophecies .
The power that had selected him to fulfil the prophecy .
However, among their ranks it is universally believed that their leader - Rabbi Menachem Schneerson - will fulfil the Messianic prophecy .
I finally encountered the bomb baby, thus fulfilling the ironic prophecy of my dreams.
It was intended, quite flamboyantly, to fulfil Old Testament prophecy .
Increased speed of communication means that people can act much more quickly and can make trends into self-fulfilling prophecies .
They intended to make a prophecy that would be self-fulfilling in its entirety.
Telling me his dream was one thing; making his first prophecy to the King's face was quite another.
I haven't seen it clearly myself, but once, before he was King, I made a prophecy for Arthur.
Amazingly, the manager's prophecy that the team would get into the first division seems to be coming true.
Lij Yasu was never crowned, possibly because he believed a prophecy that if he became king he would die.
the biblical prophecy of a world war
The old woman's prophecies of disaster were soon fulfilled.
Again and again, such prophecies dictate and determine his decisions, his attitudes, his course of action.
Finally, there are the prophecies of Alexander's imminent death which were circulating weeks before his death.
For without the women and their connection to the Earth, who would bring forth the prophecies?
His prophecy was now coming true, perhaps even sooner than he would have dreamed.
She had the gift of prophecy , performed many miracles and is known to have mysteriously supplied food for the convent.
Teiresias, the prophet who had brought so many distressful prophecies to the royal family, came to bring still another.
Usually these reports concentrate on prophecies of a forthcoming Armageddon but many also describe a dire contemporary situation.
When not experiencing visions, ecstasies, or prophecies, he authored Moral Theology and Glories of Ma ry.