Meaning of PUN in English

I. noun


"Pardon the pun , but we were all in the same boat," said Navy lieutenant Green.

"Seven days without food makes one weak'' is a pun on the words "week'' and "weak'', and also on the different meanings of "one''.

The audience groaned at his pun .


Among the devices he used were puns.

And we do, I mean, we both do, we both make a lot of unintentional puns, uh.

Dreams are puns on words and situations in the engram bank.

Drinks in hand, the crowd around me erupted with groans of exasperation, the kind usually reserved for terrible puns.

He made a pun on it for the title of his revue Cranks.

Instead of charging bulls, Professor Ito bravely faces a barrage of puns.

Political problems which might have stymied Solomon were resolved in a pun or an epigram..

Waterhouse is given to such puns.

II. verb


An awl is an iron instrument used for piercing leather, but the word has been in punning use since time immemorial.

Food for thoughts, puns the hysterical Kate as they depart.

It also puns the Kray/Crow connection and gangland murders.

Oh, how he could pun .

The hotelier family's punning motif-a bull with its horns to the ground-was woven into the vestibule carpet.

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