Meaning of RAFT in English



black-water rafting

life raft




There will be a whole raft of changes that come with the change in network structure.

Putting together some of the best minds of the times unleashed a whole raft of new work.

We polled whole rafts of them to get their comments on our birthday.

Businesses would lose a whole raft of deductions, including those for employee benefits such as health care.

It also creates a whole raft of sub-directories for the various additions you may, or may not, have bought!



His 60-foot bamboo raft will have a crew of five or six people.

The same was true of our bamboo raft .

But the bamboo raft ploughed forward smoothly.

But they were not looking out for a small, insignificant speck of a slow-moving bamboo raft .

At seventy-five feet Sea Dragon had been larger than Hsu Fu and a much more substantial vessel than a flimsy bamboo raft .

After a few days on shore I had forgotten just how flexible was our bamboo raft .

In short, he was ideally suited for long-distance sailing on an increasingly waterlogged bamboo raft .

It would only test whether the bamboo raft could have been a vehicle for such contact.


As soon as his life raft boomed into the sea, Delaney pulled the quick release tag and dropped from his harness.

She is the person most centered on the child since the moment he held on to her like another life raft .

He greeted Collingridge's downfall like a drowning man discovers a life raft .

Men who hold tenaciously to a life raft may expect to he cast upon strange shores among strange companions.

For McKenzie, the tide had turned again and he watched helplessly as his life raft drifted back over the horizon.

In the middle of the store, dangling by nylon wires from the ceiling, was an orange rubber life raft .

Finally one end of the hawser was fastened to the bank, and the makeshift life raft was dispatched.

The cabin is gouged open, spilling out wooden crates, twisted pieces of metal, a blown-up life raft .


On November 12 is a sponsored raft race on the Mersey.

Read in studio Eight hundred competitors will be taking to the water this weekend for the annual River Wye raft race .

Countdown to great Wye raft race .



When I was still very young I built myself a raft from old planks and oil-drums.

If I built the raft with infected bamboo the vessel would turn to powder within weeks.

The houses had been built on a concrete raft on an infilled site.

They were the work crew Mr Khiem had assigned to build the test raft .


Everyone was noticeably quieter, each man thinking about the chances of whether we would be forced to leave the raft .

He must have understood what was being discussed, but he gave no sign that he really wanted to leave the raft .

To stay on Hsu Fu or to leave the raft should be a decision reviewed on a daily basis.


Five minutes later we were sailing through rafts of them only feet from the boat.

The horizon was speckled with the triangular sails of literally hundreds of sailing rafts .

But the bamboo sailing rafts needed less than a foot of water to float, and came gliding right into the shallows.

Had he seen any sailing rafts ?

Have you seen a sailing raft ? they enquired by radio.

Yes, bamboo sailing rafts did still exist at Sam Son.


A raft of foreign-owned firms have built new factories.

Closing a raft of useless federal establishments will get rid of only some 80,000 of them.

He greeted Collingridge's downfall like a drowning man discovers a life raft .

She needed a proper boat, not a raft .

The raft is built and on its way.

The waves which lapped over the stern of the raft were our waste-disposal system.

When the raft bumped on the sand, the fishermen could step ashore only knee deep in the water.

When you move abroad you face a raft of financial decisions, including which type of bank account to open.

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