The average cheetah will change over the centuries, just like the mean annual rainfall changes.
The annual rainfall is about 25 inches around Stanley, but decreases in the south and west of the islands.
Did he know the average rainfall of the James River Valley?
For the last two years, the city has received only half its average rainfall of four inches.
The country has had 41 months of below average rainfall .
Farming policy in Cumbria was greatly influenced by the heavy rainfall and the restrictions imposed by the National Park Regulations.
This has not prevented overflow after heavy rainfall , however.
And other triggers, such as very heavy rainfall , can create a sudden flow weeks or even months after an eruption.
However, the heavy rainfall could make this an uncertain crop so dairying and sheep formed the main enterprises on most units.
A long growing season is unlikely to occur in a high rainfall area or on ground above 600 feet.
The red spruces and balsam firs that dominated the vegetation near the mountaintop thrived under high rainfall and cool temperatures.
The disease is prevalent in temperate areas with high rainfall .
Rates of weathering are potentially highest where temperatures are high and rainfall is abundant.
A difficulty in answering the question is that previous studies have generally looked at conifers in upland areas with high rainfall .
Three years later Martinstown, Dorset, had the highest amount of rainfall ever recorded in 24 hours, 11 inches.
Bee-keeping can be a profit-making project, although in areas of high rainfall , results can be disappointing.
This is done by finding areas of high rainfall and parishes with high sheep populations.
Except in regions of very low rainfall April should be regarded as the safest month for sowing herbage seeds.
Here, low winter rainfall and dry summers for two successive years have caused record low water levels in wells.
This land is mainly low-lying, of strong soil, low rainfall , and has a long, warm growing season.
The desert environment is characterised by very low and unpredictable rainfall .
The area between the Tay and Forth experienced less than 10 percent of normal rainfall .
Below-normal rainfall has led to a major water shortage.
Although the increase in rainfall would aid irrigation, it would add to the problems of soil erosion and nutrient leaching.
Except in regions of very low rainfall April should be regarded as the safest month for sowing herbage seeds.
For a number of years after 1865, a long humid cycle brought uninterrupted above-average rainfall to the plains.
From remote rural areas came evidence of continuing decline because of increased acidity of rainfall .
In fact, many of the occasional desert rainfalls are very light and incapable of any serious erosion.
Most other areas in the county reported rainfall of a quarter-inch to a half-inch.
The teens and 1920s, in particular, were years of extraordinary and consistent rainfall .
We drove through pastures big enough to have their own rainfall pattern.