Meaning of RECTANGULAR in English





Vertically you can slip for four or six rows, but it is best not to do this in rectangular blocks .

Its pillars were just rectangular blocks of mousy-grey ashlar; its capitals plain but for a fringe of simple water-leaf scallops.

Both Secunderabad and Hyderabad presented long arcaded fronts to the platform, back by powerful rectangular blocks containing offices.


On two sides the grid is flanked by large, rectangular panels of interlaced circles.

It is mounted on a rectangular panel , studded with 24 lights.

The walls were painted with rectangular panels and borders, and mosaic floors formed pictures.

As mentioned above, most of the mosaics with grids of square or rectangular panels also share a number of decorative features.

The same rectangular panel also has a band of superposed triangles.


They were all fortified some time after the late third century and are characterized by their broadly rectangular shape and small size.

As well as rectangular shapes , there is an interlocking design which can be used to create more unusual patio patterns.

Make sure you keep the drill bit truly vertical 5 Chop out the waste material to produce a clean rectangular shape .

The roughly rectangular shape of the town centre still reflects the pattern of the old walls.


The aerial photographs suggest at least one Romano-Celtic temple alongside other circular or rectangular structures .

The Yangshao farmers lived in rectangular structures and as many as 30 houses have been found in a single village.

More intriguing still is the presence of nearby rectangular structures , which appear to show two phases of construction.


Along the left side of the car was a rectangular piece of gray tarp.

Narrow shoulders, indeed the shoulder blades were pronounced and his chest was rectangular .

On each landing, a small rectangular settling tank was provided as a sediment trap.

Silver-plated photograph frames; oval; rectangular .

The restaurant seats 24, with three expansive rectangular marble tables each seating eight people.

The temple is easily identifiable by its long, rectangular Central Court, in this case oriented north-north-east to south-south-west.

They felt this would impart a pleasing curvature to an otherwise rectangular building.

Two paths crossed the rectangular field, forming a neat St Andrew's Cross of down-trodden grass.

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