Opening one of the refrigerator doors , she slid out a body.
She opened the refrigerator door and peered in.
The refrigerator door was wide open, and he was lying just behind it, slumped face downwards.
I heard the suction of the refrigerator door opening, and then she came rushing back into the room.
But the ice was still inches thick, furred as tongues, and the smell hung acrid inside the refrigerator doors .
They leave the refrigerator door open for hours at a time.
Steve went quietly into the kitchen, she heard him opening the refrigerator door .
As he opened the refrigerator door , he suddenly stopped dead.
The purée keeps well in the refrigerator , so it is economical to make a batch and store it.
Will keep in refrigerator 2 to 3 weeks.
Taste and add more salt or sugar as desired. Keep in the refrigerator and use within 3 days.
Leftover turkey will keep in the refrigerator for three to four days.
In the shop they were kept in a refrigerator .
Seal and shake well. Keep in the refrigerator and use within 3 days.
Cover with cling film and leave in the refrigerator for at least 2 hours or overnight.
They leave the refrigerator door open for hours at a time.
He'd left them in the refrigerator factory ...?
I had opened a can, left it in the refrigerator , and not drained it.
He opened the refrigerator - it was empty.
Then he went into the kitchen, opened the refrigerator , and found some orange juice and a loaf of bread.
Steve went quietly into the kitchen, she heard him opening the refrigerator door.
She opened the refrigerator door and peered in.
As he opened the refrigerator door, he suddenly stopped dead.
Is wearing a gas mask the only way you can open the refrigerator without gagging?
He looked through our kitchen and opened our refrigerator .
When cool, cover and put in the refrigerator for at least 3 days.
The truth is, I would put my refrigerator in the car carrier if it would fit.
Take it home immediately and put it into the refrigerator or freezer.
Glover had had the men put the refrigerator up against his head-board.
Beside the door was an immense refrigerator .
But of course simply having refrigerators which can hold food at between 0 and +5 degrees C isn't enough.
I told you put the bread in the refrigerator ... keep it fresh.
Keep in the refrigerator and use within 3 days.
Put in the refrigerator to set for an hour or more.
Store the dressing in a covered container in the refrigerator for as long as 1 week.
Then he went into the kitchen, opened the refrigerator , and found some orange juice and a loaf of bread.
There were a lot of strange noises like the sound of the refrigerator unit going on and off in the trailer.