Meaning of REGISTRAR in English





Negigence was alleged on the part of a senior registrar in charge of a child birth.

Consultants and senior registrars are not rewarded for teaching and seldom have been trained in educational methods.

I rang the senior registrar to tell him but realised after a while he wasn't saying much.

Wessex region would not recognise me as a senior registrar until the college's approval had been received.

The senior registrar contract arrived dated May 1988, and a six month battle ensued to get it backdated to January 1987.

I was not a pioneer of part time senior registrar training in Wessex: several people were already in post.

Success in part time senior registrar training requires tremendous personal commitment, a sympathetic supervisor, and a helpful postgraduate dean.

Suitable educational supervisors could be recruited from among consultants and senior registrars .



It was quite true that she had deserved that paediatric registrar post .

Fortunately, the postgraduate dean organised a part time medical registrar post .

I met and married my husband just at the point when I was beginning to apply for senior registrar posts .

Women overtake men only in the part- time registrar posts .


Consultants and senior registrars are not rewarded for teaching and seldom have been trained in educational methods.

However, if the patient required an X-ray he or she had to be seen by one of the consultants or registrars.

It was quite true that she had deserved that paediatric registrar post.

Peter and his registrar were already gowned, gloved, and were putting sterile drapes on the patient.

Quotas for career registrars were issued two years late, and those for research registrars have yet to be issued.

The registrar was a dignified man who behaved with the correct degree of formality.

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