Meaning of REGRETTABLY in English



Regrettably Jousse's work has not been translated into English.

Regrettably , a lot of the work in the show is of poor quality.

Mr. Hart's comments were regrettably inappropriate.

The poor and disadvantaged will, regrettably , be the ones to suffer as a result of the new law.


As for this debut, it comes to us regrettably before its time.

Attempts to denigrate his playing simply because of his popularity are misplaced but regrettably widespread.

Over the years, more money has been put into education, but regrettably in certain areas little has been achieved.

Some of these incidents occurred, regrettably , in public.

The incident had simply been a regrettably dramatic way to begin his first week home from Ireland.

The two works choreographed by Alley have regrettably little to offer where dance idioms are concerned.

Today, regrettably , Churchillian honesty in high places is less fashionable.

We have considered a topic which is, perhaps regrettably , not at the centre of Anglican attention.

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