Originally this symbolic seat of power contained holy relics .
Gripping the key in his pocket as if it were a holy relic , he took his first step into the world.
To me there is no such thing as a holy relic or place.
Much later, the perehera was adopted by the Buddhists to display their most sacred relic .
They were thus especially suitable to guard sacred relics and great sanctuaries.
Inside the fortress is an interesting old church containing Moorish relics .
In addition to their wild natural beauty, the moors contain interesting ancient relics and sites that are well worth investigating.
It contains some interesting relics , including the door of the condemned cell from the old Calton jail.
In the church a carved stone shrine was erected to contain the saint's relics .
It contained relics , and when melted down in the twelfth century yielded 500 marks of silver and thirty of gold.
The round tower looking uncommonly like a lighthouse or a telescope, contains relics of the hero of Trafalgar.
Civil War relics
the sacred relics of John the Baptist
The town is a relic from California's gold rush.
The treaty is now a Cold War relic .
Voters passed a bill to remove a law that is a relic of the state's racist past.
He received it as if it were a precious relic a saint had just blessed, and folded it carefully.
It was true he had grown out of it now, but it was the beloved relic of his youth.
Like so many villages in the Mani, Vátheia is a ghostly relic .
Once viewed as a relic , continental drift and seafloor spreading evolved into the modern concept of plate tectonics.
The relic reposes in a glass-fronted reliquary beneath a side altar of the same church in which it was first interred.
The relic was found in exactly the place indicated.
The latter's relics rest on the main altar.