Meaning of REMUNERATION in English





We are offering an attractive remuneration package including a company car and other larger company benefits.

A realistic salary established prior to the sale may establish a proper benchmark for the director's remuneration package from the new owners.

One of their particular concerns is the procedure for changes in the remuneration package .



To re-appoint the auditors and authorise the Directors to fix their remuneration . 5.

To re-appoint the Auditors and to authorise the Directors to fix their remuneration . 4.

Resolution 8 proposes the re-appointment of Price Waterhouse as auditors of the Company and authorises the Directors to fix their remuneration .


Many solicitors deeply resent the treatment they feel they have received over their remuneration .

The Legal Aid Act 1974 provides that solicitor and counsel may receive their remuneration only from the fund.

It does not appear that the defendant was to receive any remuneration .


Accordingly, in future the limit will rise with increase in the hourly remuneration rates, which should ease the position.

Although many officials and newspapers proposed that they be paid a modest salary, only the chief headmen received official remuneration .

Four-fifths of chief executives favoured legislation requiring companies to have a remuneration committee dominated by outsiders.

Petitions to the Admiralty for remuneration for his discovery brought nothing.

Systems of formal warnings to control absence also seem to be less effective than the terms of the remuneration scheme.

Third, the remuneration system became performance-related.

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