repetitive strain injury
Although the diagram is simple and highly repetitive , few will get it completely correct.
Relay assembly was a highly repetitive , manual job.
The store manager said that core staff motivation was a problem because after a while the job becomes highly repetitive .
A highly repetitive , textured and grouped baseline is promoted by a series of small mutations that do not interrupt its continuity.
Thus occupied on this repetitive job , the mind is free to wander and daydream.
Such jobs will be eliminated just as manual, repetitive jobs were replaced by automation in the 1980s.
It removes the need for G-cramps and battens for many tasks, and speeds up repetitive jobs .
Taylor believed in the division of labour since tasks could be broken down into simple repetitive jobs .
Many people doing boring or repetitive jobs deliberately introduce a certain amount of stress to make the routine more exciting.
Office workers can suffer from work-related ill-health such as repetitive strain injury.
Can children get repetitive strain injury from playing too much Super-Nintendo?
The same knowledge can of course help design robots to replace the human in certain skilled but repetitive tasks .
Computers are now being brought into this profession to perform repetitive tasks .
For a repetitive task there may be comparatively little going on in the mind which emerges at the level of consciousness.
They were seen as mindless individuals who could take on repetitive tasks .
Both groups dislike repetitive tasks and have learned to delegate to others.
Elimination of tedious repetitive work such as casting and balancing. 5.
These costs were attributed to job dissatisfaction caused by boring, repetitive work .
This applies particularly to routines and repetitive work where the main operator limitation is not capacity or skill but stamina.
A lot of the work we have to do is repetitive .
As children we suffered through schoolwork that was dull and repetitive .
He has some good ideas, but his lectures can get a little repetitive .
A total of eight calls were made that day and although a routine became evident, it was never repetitive .
But we believe that under the less than optimal circumstances of reality, repetitive reorganizing does far more damage than good.
Clonic refers to repetitive rhythmical involuntary muscle contractions.
I think the same process occurs in the repetitive rhythm of slow long-distance running.
In the culture of the copy, he has written the perfect book: original and repetitive at once.
These repetitive simultaneous pressure waves usually occurred together with the lower oesophageal sphincter component of the migrating motor complex.
This idea of a perpetually repetitive pattern of events inspired a sense of security from the menace of change and decay.
Yet perhaps the most frustrating incompetence of all is that which is repetitive .