Meaning of RESIDE in English





The Teerlincs resided in more than one London parish and Levina, for a painter, enjoyed an unusual degree of social status.

Students who reside in subsidized public housing.

Everything, therefore, resides in and is sustained within one absolute consciousness.


They now reside in the map collection of the New York Public Library.

The drawing was sold by Lord's at auction five years ago and now resides , fittingly, in Darlington.

Originally from New Hampshire, Sheridan made the journey west in 1994, and now resides in Utah.


Bao Dai was still residing at his chateau near Cannes with his wife and five children.

Many of them still reside in South Florida today.


Assessed at 26s. 6d., it must have been tenanted, since John did not reside there .

Various members of his family have resided there from time to time.



The population resides predominantly in areas classed as urban for local government purposes.

This engram resides in a tiny area in the brain's cerebellum - a place many neuroscientists never thought to look.


However, there are a variety of different types of institutional setting in which an older person might reside .

There are approximately three million persons residing in the sierra who speak only Quechua or Aymara.

Far better to send an unofficial person , who can reside inconspicuously at the Embassy, coming and going unremarked.


The only power a consumer has resides in the power to refuse to buy, a version of withdrawal of labour.

But what Jim had not resolved was where power resided when agreement could not be reached.

In keeping with the emphasis on parliamentarianism there was the idea that party power should reside within the parliamentary leadership alone.

The powers residing in herbs, stones, and aromas were both natural and divine.

But ultimately the power and the money reside with the brand itself.

But economic power no longer resides in the material world.


At that time there were many American writers residing in Paris.

Miss Badu grew up in Dallas but now resides in Brooklyn.

Miss Tonelli, how exactly did you come to reside at your current address?

The government bureau has prepared a booklet for U.S. citizens residing abroad.


For the time being we reside with her parents in their small but practical house in the southern suburbs of Berlin.

However, there are a variety of different types of institutional setting in which an older person might reside .

Or did the problem also reside in the hardness of the job itself?

People who reside inside the city limits make up 60 percent of the population of the community.

Qume's architecture allows the server code to reside on the host, eliminating costly licence fees.

The Maritime Province was both the temporary home for working-class compatriots from the homeland and the base for patriots residing abroad.

Trust resides squarely between faith and doubt.

Where wealth resided they constructed the equivalent of kingdoms; huge shining towers of glass and steel.

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