Meaning of RETELL in English





They took turns retelling the stories to each other, and from day to day Alvin never forgot whose turn it was.

Even if the language is hard to follow could your students retell the story from watching the visuals only?

A retelling of the birth story helps them understand what actually went on during their labor and delivery.

Approximately one hour later, they were brought back to the same room and asked to retell the story again.

But such coarse mutilation would not have fitted in with the polite way in which Perrault wished to retell his story .

In the bedroom Rufus retells my story , condensing it like it was Reader's Digest.

My favorite dust-ups are when the marital conflict is over something so trivial that you laugh as you retell the story .



The stories that are told and retold in families everywhere also provide teaching opportunities; they are theories, lessons, parables.

Major newspapers and national magazines will be telling and retelling his life story.


Approximately one hour later, they were brought back to the same room and asked to retell the story again.

He retold the story of the little beggar girl with the bandaged leg and the theft of his hat.

Many an old story was retold, and ancient conundrum repeated.

The latter has the advantage of providing more opportunity for reviewing and retelling what has happened.

They took turns retelling the stories to each other, and from day to day Alvin never forgot whose turn it was.

Utilising the help of visiting students or parents and helpers to listen to pupils retelling stories can be very constructive.

Yet in the retelling, the love is lost.

You can set a clear goal: the ability to retell the main elements of the plot.

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