Meaning of RETROSPECT in English





He seems in retrospect the Mahatma's fated antagonist.

But it does not seem that way in retrospect .

The sick smile that Odilo sported throughout his wedding day seems , in retrospect , all too appropriate.

Likewise, not having raised a single cent in campaign money seems , in retrospect , a mistake.

There would seem in retrospect to have been two primary reasons.

That moment seems in retrospect to have been more exciting than any of the films that followed.

It seems in retrospect that the Task Force in Merseyside was driven by Heseltine's particular vision of urban regeneration.

Especially, it seemed , in retrospect .


In retrospect , dying of the disease itself would seem infinitely preferable to the agonies of death from mercury poisoning.

In retrospect , he said, he did not realize how hard it would be to keep them happy.

In retrospect , they were spinning straw into gold.

It was never our intention to hurt anyone and it occurs to us in retrospect that the ad was insensitive.

Popular fiction often becomes more important in retrospect .

So you won, Ragu, and in retrospect I think it was right that you did.

There would seem in retrospect to have been two primary reasons.

Yet, in retrospect , Glam dovetailed exactly with developments in consumer capitalism.

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