Meaning of REVERT in English





League clubs yesterday gave their general approval to reverting back to a two-division competition.

Also, any changes the company has made in physicians' working conditions would revert back to practices before the election.

The Association has agreed to revert back to Management. 5.

Each time you relax, revert back to your own stance and feel the benefit of the comparison.

Middlesbrough race tomorrow night for the final week before reverting back to their usual Wednesday evening slot.


Bokassa was deposed by former President Dacko in September 1979, the country reverting to the status of republic.

He may revert to an attendance allowance by further written notice.

Leopold convinced the University to let the Curtis farm revert to prairie again.

The pressure to revert to maximising leverage ratios and suppress local authority and community-led development would be intense.

The simple solution is to revert to the multiple-dig method, since the next burrow may well not present the same problem.

We are reverting to the existing practice.

When all 15 Medway seats are removed next April, Kent will revert to its historic state of being Tory.

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