Meaning of ROTUND in English



Anything that has ornate carving or gilding, a rotund profile or shapely curved legs is ideal.

In casting the Sensorites Mervyn Pinfield went deliberately for older, more rotund actors.

In place of a wand she had housemaids, parlor maids, laundresses, cooks, and a rotund chauffeur named Courtney.

It was rust-red and black with its rotund decay, smelling dank and casting a shell-shadow.

Sadly, the forty-five-year-old's rotund physique proved too much and he was forced to retire for an early bath.

She was a short, gray-haired, rotund woman of weary carriage and a dignity appropriate to her remarkable birth.

The endearing bathos and crassness of Laurel found an admirable foil in the elephantine smugness of his rotund partner.

The picture shows him as a stocky, almost rotund man.

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