Meaning of ROUBLE in English





The rouble zone is in its death throes.

Kirgizstan's decision last month to pull out of the rouble zone has infuriated the other four.

Two further developments are likely to put the rouble zone out of its misery before long.

With the final demise of the rouble zone all but inevitable, the only question now is the manner of its death.


But that estimate has risen sharply because most rely on importing components, and the rouble has since halved in value.

Currency market is established with a view to making rouble convertible.

In August the bank chairman, Vadim Hetman, demanded a tactical retreat from the coupon and a return to the rouble .

She will take a fiver, a tenner, a 25 rouble note if pushed.

Single exchange rate for the rouble .

Taking a one rouble note from my wallet, I tapped on his window.

The rouble fell in trading on Sept. 22 from US$1.00 roubles to US$1.00 roubles.

The central bank said it would stop supporting the rouble and promised that cheap credits to moribund industries will be phased out.

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