Meaning of SCHOLARLY in English





Even now most scholarly journals pay nothing and you are lucky to get a fee if you talk at a conference.

None of them had published in scholarly journals for years.

Most citations in scholarly journals are to scholarly papers, and citations to popular works are rare.

The bi-monthly scholarly journal , founded in Los Angeles in 1973, suspended publication in 1978 owing to lack of funds.

Battle was joined, in seminars, lectures, committee meetings and the review pages of scholarly journals .


He moves easily from summaries of scholarly research to descriptions of his own dilemmas as a working father.

In what follows I have deliberately mixed resumes of scholarly researches with more direct descriptions by individuals and popular accounts.


Nevertheless, it did have important consequences within the scholarly study of antiquity itself.

Ironically, Vivian herself becomes the object of scholarly study .


In 1154-5 Andrew returned to his scholarly work in Paris.

And this was what his scholarly work had come to.

There is still room, however, for scholarly work on the artist.

And Jeffries then proceeded to make a fool of Marshak by never again producing a single scholarly work .

This can easily lead to the impression that it is a scholarly work of only archival interest.

The discourses of these enquiries overlapped, from popular newspapers through statistical surveys and scholarly works to official boards of enquiry.


scholarly research

Fullington discovered 11 new species of land snails and wrote more than 90 scholarly articles and books.

The organization is dedicated to scholarly research on life in the next millennium.


A great scholarly compendium of folklore and legends.

A similar scholarly consensus exists over the Nationalists' vastly greater success in dealing with internal factionalism.

But to me, Stark was the scholarly one.

Even now most scholarly journals pay nothing and you are lucky to get a fee if you talk at a conference.

However, from time to time the curator's instinct for identification comes up against scholarly puzzles.

The essays are scholarly but intelligible, and usually avoid the trendiest excesses of film theory.

The shy, scholarly Republican has roots both on the farm and in the inner city.

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