Meaning of SCREECH in English



brakes screech (= make a high noise when you use them )

The brakes screeched and the train finally stopped.

sth screeches/shudders/skids/jolts to a halt (= a vehicle stops very quickly and noisily – used for emphasis )

The car skidded to a halt and three men jumped out.

the screech of brakes (= the loud unpleasant sound of a car stopping suddenly )

I heard the screech of brakes in the road outside.




She slammed the garage door into its slot and sent the car screeching into the road.

The car screeched around the corner after him in a burst of fumes and querulous voices.

Ron had pounced from his car , screeching to a halt ten yards ahead of them.

She was walking with a friend, when she heard a car screech to a halt behind her.

We sped from the car park undetected and screeched to a halt outside the flower shop, as instructed.


A police car emerged from the other alleyway and screeched to a halt ten yards in front of Whitlock, blocking his shot.

When he went to a doctor, he was diagnosed with leukemia, and everything came to a screeching halt .

Ron had pounced from his car, screeching to a halt ten yards ahead of them.

All of which comes to a screeching halt when Capt.

Not ten minutes had elapsed when the first van arrived and not eleven when the second screeched to a halt .

He was on his second initiation raid when Geronimo was captured and it all came to a screeching halt .

She was walking with a friend, when she heard a car screech to a halt behind her.

The driver slammed on the brakes; the Jeep screeched to a halt .



It came screeching out of the darkness, and not even the thunder could drown the scream of its menace.

It came screeching and nose-diving to a stop on the far corner.

When he went to a doctor, he was diagnosed with leukemia, and everything came to a screeching halt.

All of which comes to a screeching halt when Capt.

He was on his second initiation raid when Geronimo was captured and it all came to a screeching halt.


""Get out!'' she screeched angrily. ""I hate you!''

screeching brakes

I heard Heather screech , "Hit him, Jim!"

Maria suddenly started screeching at Bruno.

Sue grabbed him, screeching, and started hitting him with her fists.

The plane's tires screeched as it touched down on the runway.

The train screeched as it pulled into the station.


A gull screeched overhead breaking the dreamy silence, and Julie's eyes flicked open.

At intervals while we were negotiating with him, he screeched his battle songs and war cries.

He jumped to his feet, screeching, when Delia Sutherland's shadow fell across him.

Miss Defy screeched around a blind bend into the path of an oncoming sedan.

Surface, and the sky is blue and seagulls screech .

The wheels of wagons delivering feed or wood screeched as though they hurt.

They posed holding hands for photographers before turning back to the screeching fans and signing yet more autographs.

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