Meaning of SEEING in English



Seeing Eye dog


be seeing sb

Is Marge still seeing Tom?

be seeing things

""Did that man just wave at me?'' ""Of course not, you must be seeing things.''

I thought I saw Patty arrive. I must be seeing things today.

And now he was seeing things.

At only 18, Dundas will be seeing things through young and excited eyes and I wish him the best.

How Rab sat, his weakened state: his first night out, and he thought to be seeing things.

I suggest that the mirror has severe distortions, and perhaps Harley is seeing things grossly out of proportion.

In fact, as Steves eventually came to realize, they were seeing things that often elude travelers who spend far more.

Oh yes, he was seeing things all right.

The first time i spotted a puffin I thought I was seeing things.

Thomas seemed to be seeing things through the wrong end of a telescope.

seeing as (how)

And seeing as it was my brainchild, would you not say it was possibly the best commercial of all time?

But, seeing as you won't tell me anything, I have to use other sources.

I just slipped that in seeing as how you congratulated me on my history.

I thought you might like that, seeing as you're so keen on birds and that.

That seems believable, too, seeing as how he no longer can take out his frustrations on Sundays.

The D-32 is very Martin D-28 in character - not surprising, seeing as that's what it basically is.

This struck them as strange, seeing as how it was only just after four in the morning.

Well, seeing as how you just lost one of your men, you might think about hiring some one to replace him.

seeing is believing

But seeing is believing , as they say.

If you're still not convinced, seeing is believing .

We are left with the unspecific practical objection, the objection that is as much to say that only seeing is believing .

When only seeing is believing the unseen reproductive anatomy of the female can not be an article of faith.

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