Meaning of SENATOR in English





Bentsen, 71, chair of the Senate finance committee, had served as a Democratic senator for Texas since 1970.

The Post reported that Gore had personally solicited donors by telephone, leading two Democratic senators to criticize him.

This, coupled with the retirement of moderate Democratic senators , including Sens.


This effort to head off support for the more costly Democratic bill failed to prevent 13 Republican senators breaking ranks.

The former Republican senator from Maine brings priorities that spell hope for companies worried about further cuts to military spending.

The challengers include two congressmen and a heterodox former Republican senator who stirs strong emotions on both sides of the political fence.

The Republican senator established the task force to help build consensus and draft legislation on issues facing rural areas of the state.

To provide additional cover, they resolved to have this new language introduced by a Republican senator .

Now the Republican senator may be about to carve the biggest notch of all into his belt.

The strength of the argument for splitting the bill is evident in the reaction of the two Republican senators from Texas.


Fifty-five percent of the registered voters surveyed said Gramm is doing a good job as Texas' senior senator .



His detention has provoked the anger of his supporters, who include the radical state senator Tom Hayden.

Proposition 140 limits Assembly members to three two-year terms and state senators to two four-year terms.

A former state senator cut the ribbon to reopen the place.

Throughout the 1950s, the elder Forbes served as a New Jersey state senator and was twice defeated in campaigns for governor.

L., or Abraham L., when he was a young criminal lawyer and a state senator .

Apparently, Brenda considers one election won by her husband a bigger mandate than the four won by the state senator .



We had seen the little underground train which congressmen rode and we had visited one of our senators in his office.

A visiting senator made the predictable comparison with Ronald Reagan.


The debate was opened by Senator Robinson.

The Democratic Senator from New York held a press conference yesterday.

The President met with a group of senators and congressmen to discuss energy policy.


Although senators insisted that they want to work with a spirit of cooperation, signs of strain are evident.

Congressional elections are by universal and compulsory adult suffrage with one-third of the senators elected indirectly.

I know of other children who have written to their senators and state representatives or to editors of local newspapers.

In his early days, as congressman, senator and vice president, he was a vicious political opponent.

The first Kansas senators were Atchison men.

The one-third reduction would save about $ 390 million over six years, the senators estimated.

The reforms were supported by President Carlos Saúl Menem, the other provincial governors and congressional deputies and senators.

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