Meaning of SEWAGE WORKS in English



At present, sewage works must ensure that effluent meets the required standards of cleanliness for 95 percent of any 12 month period.

Ocker Hill Power Station with two prominent chimneys, a sewage works and a canal surface with oil and floating debris.

Of greater concern was the decline in quality resulting from the increased inputs of pollutants by sewage works and industrial plants.

Once there, turn left to the sewage works .

Phosphates in the water, from agricultural run-off and discharge from sewage works , provide nutrients on which the algae thrive.

Producing methane gas from landfill sites, sewage works and organic wastes is another extremely practical use of resources.

The residue, a carbon-based char, can be used instead of activated carbon in, for instance, sewage works .

The water companies will have to improve the performance of their sewage works or risk other claims.

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