Meaning of SEXY in English





The message is clear: if you want to look as sexy as me, this is how to do it.

Our decision was to go as sexy as she would go for.

But Claude Cohn-Casson has been subsumed by their physical selves, right here in the room, as sexy as hell.

Worse still, engineering and manufacturing are still not viewed as sexy by ambitious youngsters.

She is whatever the majority of men regard as sexy at any given moment.


Who'd have thought she'd be so sexy ?


Power, even academic power, is very sexy .

She was very sexy , at forty-seven.

But I found the whole experience very sexy because it was so impersonal.

He looked almost respectable - and very , very sexy .

This film may be a shocker, but as well as being very sexy it's also pretty funny at times.

Her Maria blossoms and is by turns sweetly protective and vulnerable, generally very sexy and completely convincing.

I suppose accepting yourself as you are is very sexy .


a sexy black dress

a sexy woman

a political campaign that lacked sexy issues

Gabby dived into the pool leaving her sexy black dress draped over a chair.

He's got a really deep sexy voice.

Her flushed cheeks, wide eyes, and slightly opened mouth made her look sexy .

I think leather pants are really sexy .

Peter is strong, good looking, and very sexy .

The advertisement showed a sexy young woman in a short skirt standing beside a sports car.


A sexy female boss hiding dark family secrets from her past and using her street smarts to get even.

At twenty-three, David Bailey was street-wise, sexy , ambitious.

Jane was astonished to find that it felt sexy .

The sexy swaying walk, the dark voice.

They showed quite a lot of leg, and were undeniably sexy .

Until yesterday, dancer Cris Judd had a picture of himself with the sexy singer on his website.

What was it about a waistcoat that was so piercingly sexy ? she wondered dully.

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