Meaning of SHAPELESS in English



He looked dirty and was wearing an ugly, shapeless suit.

He was wearing a shapeless grey coat which really did not fit him.

Helen's hat was limp and shapeless from the rain.

People trudged on, carrying shapeless bundles full of clothes or bedding.

The prisoners wear shapeless orange uniforms.


A brief mood of shapeless hysteria took hold of the claustrophobic young community, which ended abruptly with a short holiday.

He could describe the men only as he had seen them, masked, in shapeless tracksuits.

He wore a shapeless gray cap and arrived in a sputtering old Model knocked at the door asking if Walton was there.

She was dressed poorly in a tattered knit sweater and a shapeless skirt.

She will be reduced to wearing baggy jumpers and those shapeless monsters, maternity dresses, for the next nine months.

Soon, she thought, he would take to wearing shapeless brown coats, and drinking beer for breakfast instead of coffee.

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