Soon there would be the little clutch of spectators, the curious children shooed away by the adults, the Press photographers.
Just this week, the City Council decided to use the police like a big swinging tail to shoo away insects.
A greyhound cocked his leg against the table and was promptly shooed away .
In the United States, volunteers are shooed away from spill cleanup, deemed too toxic for unprotected citizens.
Instead of spending money in town, soldiers now dig foxholes along lakes in parks and shoo away camera-toting visitors.
He notes that his lawyers regularly shoo away concessionaires who use images of the Empire State Building without permission.
First, they were shooed away from the main entrance.
We soothed fevered brows with cool hands and shooed away demons with a look.
He prescribed a painkiller and suggested she keep busy, then he shooed her away and chided her for malingering.
I come outside and shoo Grandpa off the mower again.
Johnny knew that was wrong, and with his stick, he tried to shoo the goats out.
Just this week, the City Council decided to use the police like a big swinging tail to shoo away insects.
She shooed him, and he skipped away, but not without hooting behind his hand.
Soon there would be the little clutch of spectators, the curious children shooed away by the adults, the Press photographers.
These were the days when rock was being shooed out in disgrace, a lumpen confusion of scratched armpits and muddled motives.