Meaning of SPINAL in English



a spinal injury (= an injury to the spine )

The injured boy is being treated for a spinal injury.

spinal column

spinal cord




Chiropractic Practitioners deal with the structural relationships between the nerve tissues and the spinal column .

The central rod is known as the Sushumna and corresponds to the spinal column .

These are connected vertically to the idol along the spinal column , over the chakras and end at the head.

The pinioned hands of the condemned man went suddenly white as the noose and the drop snapped his spinal column .

They had rudimentary spinal columns and became the forerunners of fish.

At intervals along its length groups of nerve fibres emerge from the spinal column to connect with the peripheral nervous system.


If sophisticated reflexes can be mediated by the spinal cord , what is the purpose of the brain?

Or worse: a disk slipped, or the spinal cord snapped?

For example, it is absent in such diverse conditions as constipation, diabetes, multiple sclerosis, and thoracic spinal cord injuries.

Indeed, all of the brain and spinal cord .

But Peter's back was broken and his spinal cord damaged.

Subacute combined degeneration of the spinal cord due to vitamin B12 deficiency is a treatable condition manifesting sensory ataxia.

In vertebrates the brain is the much expanded front end of the spinal cord .

These deliver serotonin to wide areas of the brain and spinal cord .


Toks Akpata has devoted himself to changing the Laws to reduce the risk of spinal injury .

When a vicious tackle leaves him blinded from a spinal injury , his life takes the predictable downward trajectory.

Twenty-four passengers were still being detained in two Dublin hospitals last night with fractures, and one with spinal injuries .

One of the most distressing aspects of spinal injury is an inability to regulate bowel function.

The hospital's famous spinal injuries unit will not be affected.


But Peter's back was broken and his spinal cord damaged.

In vertebrates the brain is the much expanded front end of the spinal cord.

Subacute combined degeneration of the spinal cord due to vitamin B12 deficiency is a treatable condition manifesting sensory ataxia.

The ball had entered his body in front and passed out near the spinal cord, paralyzing him in legs and arms.

The large majority - around 60% - of cases in this group have spina bifida or spinal gaps.

These deliver serotonin to wide areas of the brain and spinal cord.

To prevent certain paralysis they needed to perform a series of operations to graft a spinal vertebra.

Longman DOCE5 Extras English vocabulary.      Дополнительный английский словарь Longman DOCE5.