Because of the budget stalemate , the $ 175 million only became available in May, Lockhart said.
The stepped-up Republican attack against Mr Rubin only heightened investors' concern over the budget stalemate in Washington.
Stocks sold off sharply amid fears of disappointing earnings in the technology sector as well as continued concerns over the budget stalemate .
The partial government shutdown derived from the budget stalemate will reach three weeks this Friday.
Traders pointed to the federal budget stalemate and worries the gridlock could continue indefinitely.
The added wrinkle of possible impeachment proceedings only heightened investors' concern over the budget stalemate in Washington.
These steps demonstrate a political will by Barak to break out of stalemate .
Mitchell is consulting with the officials on a proposal by his three-member international panel to break the stalemate in peace negotiations.
The invention of the tank and the aircraft broke through the defensive stalemate that had characterised the first world war.
But hopes that Mr Freeman would break the stalemate were dashed.
In the summer of 1557, some of them tried to break the stalemate .
We had reached a position of stalemate - but a position which for the sake of the Government had to be settled.
The chess game reaches a very different stalemate in the case of the albatross.
Only when they have reached stalemate with the bank will the ombudsman then consider a claim.
By then, the war had again reached stalemate .
an attempt to break a stalemate in the Middle East peace process
At that point the strike appeared to have reached a stalemate .
Congress remains in a stalemate over the federal budget.
It looks like the long-running dispute could end in stalemate .
Negotiations with the 200 army rebels are at a stalemate .
the stalemate in the three-month long pay dispute
The proposal was aimed at ending the stalemate between environmentalist and business groups.
All this has produced a dangerous stalemate .
Also, a presidential system can so balance power between legislature and executive that there are damaging stalemates and confusion of accountability.
Any conversation, even if it was only about food, was better than this stalemate .
But at least the stalemate had been been broken.
But the talks themselves were a virtual stalemate .
The cultural patterns themselves are influenced by the structural instability and the cultural stalemate .
We had reached a position of stalemate - but a position which for the sake of the Government had to be settled.